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April 30, 2021

Out Of Reach the start-up of disconnected travel launches its Label

The new unplugged travel agency Out Of Reach, which has just celebrated its first birthday, announced the creation of its Label at this year's IFTM trade fair.

In an increasingly digitalized world, the need to disconnect is becoming more and more pressing and the proposal to unplug is an axis of differentiation for tourism players.

 The Out Of Reach label applies to destinations, accommodations and local agencies that guarantee a setting conducive to an unplugged stay, whether at the end of the world or in France. The label is an invitation to rediscover a taste for the Real.

The specifications of the Label: no screen...but not only!

The start-up worked in symbiosis with its partners (accommodation and receptive) on the specifications of the label. For the destinations, Out Of Reach worked with the Drôme Sud Provence Tourist Office to draw up the criteria.

"Disconnection is an experience that we have always wanted to offer our visitors. Our region lends itself perfectly to this, and we are convinced that it is a necessity for everyone. "Céline Bal, Director of the Tourist Office, says. 

Among the criteria for the label, the question of internet accessibility is mentioned, of course, but with almost ubiquitous network coverage, OutOf Reach is opening the game. "The white zone will remain our Holy Grail. But the environment conducive to disconnection is indeed the key, and it will be placed at the heart of the Label", assures Sandrine, co-creator of the agency.


The specifications of the Label are based on 2 pillars:

- Immerse yourself in nature and provide a setting and activities that are conducive to disconnection... so that disconnection is self-evident 

- Supporting the desire to disconnect in a positive way (inviting people to lay down their arms, setting up the conditions for this).

At the origin of Out Of Reach

The idea of the label has been around since the agency was created, but when, two years ago, the founders set out to scour the French territory in search of its first label holders, they discovered a great void. There was hardly any offer marketed as such. So, with local guides and agencies who shared this desire to unplug travellers, they carried out an in-depth work of co-creation of disconnected stays.

"These stays [mostly online on the platform] have been a great working laboratory. And the feedback from our first clients has enlightened us on their expectations. "Today, we believe that the market is ready and waiting for this distinction of disconnection ," she adds. Travellers are increasingly looking for peaceful havens and innovative experiences to unplug. Tourism professionals are sensitive to this expectation and more and more of them are proposing offers that go in the direction of disconnection.

With the launch of its Label, Out Of Reach is committed to structuring the offer of unplugged stays, in France to begin with, and then from 2020, throughout the world.

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